In my journey of self-mastery I was guided to unmask the false programs, social conditioning and imprinting and tune into the Divine so that I could break down what was illusion and step into my soul and Divine mission.
The old 3D programming kept me limited and believing that drama, trauma, lack and scarcity were part of my experience and my cross to bear for life.
My path thankfully, has revealed that the blueprint for our evolution lies within the lessons that we learn along the way.
In this constantly evolving process as we heal and integrate, we learn more about who we are not in order to get to the awareness of who we are at the soul level.
I prayed and asked for awareness which led me to this path of awakening. The shedding of the old identity empowered me to continually choose growth to align and strengthen my human-spirit connection.
Our highest points of achieving abundance, freedom, love, joy, are through the transformation of Self – by becoming aware that we are more than the programs and beliefs we believed we were, to realign to our soul’s truth.