What ever the choice and when you make it – it is important to know that increasing one’s vibration and frequency requires that we show up for ourselves to the INNER WORK.
To this end, the Inner Work Mastery is about releasing the programming and conditioning held in the physical body, emotional baggage, limited mental and behavioural patterns, spiritual wounds, karmic pain and genetic history of ancestral trauma so that we can raise our frequency for our soul’s evolution.
The New Earth frequencies are vibrations that are heart-centered, community, co-creation, collaborative, in communion with nature so that we can create heaven (5D) on earth (3D).
The old 3D way of competition, separation, scarcity, and basic survival fears are not compatible with where humanity has the potential to get to. It is required that each one of us clear and heal these programs so that as we thrive so too will humanity.
BUT – you are first responsible for your own path.