VortexHealing® Divine Energy Healing



More than energy healing VortexHealing Divine Energy is a healing art.

VortexHealing® is a holistic system of energetic healing from the Merlin* lineage which works solely with Divine Light and consciousness.

This transformative healing art is a progressive treatment that goes deeper into the energy system and consciousness with each session. The work addresses all levels of healing to so that physical, emotional and karmic issues are released. It brings us into deeper alignment with our True Selves and the Divine. 

Once I establish a connection by lightly touching a client’s head or energetically connecting with a client at a distance – the  Divine healing energy flow to the individual.

While it sounds similar to Reiki, as this is energy – VortexHealing® is governed by Divine intention and is at a higher vibrational frequency than Reiki. 

(Which I must stress that they are DIFFERENT relative to each other – not better or worse).

The Merlin* presence directs extraordinary healings which are experienced on the physical, emotional, karmic and energetic levels for all levels of our energy system and consciousness.

You may receive the session seated or lying down – in-person or via distance while online with me. However, I do recommend that clients lie down as many experience the intensity of VortexHealing divine energy.

The majority of sessions that I provide are done via zoom and are highly effective. I work  with clients in all parts of the world.  

When I tune in intuitively I am guided to what is most appropriate for the each individual’s healing (like channeling peace, strengthening a chakra or an organ. (see Testimonials to read about how clients experience VortexHealing®).

*The Divine presence which is the source of all the grace and healing power of this lineage is an ‘avatar’  (divine being) a direct incarnation of the Divine that refers to itself as Merlin who incarnated as a human being around 753 BC in India, known as Mehindra. He is the source of the Merlin lineage and power within VortexHealing®. The Merlin associated with King Arthur was not this Divine Expression but one of the human teachers of the lineage. 

These are just some of the many sessions VortexHealing® easily facilitates:

  • Depression, stress, burnout, exhaustion, low energy, ME
  • Physical discomfort and pain management – e.g. head/back pains, migraine or muscle pains
  • Infections, e.g. viral, bacterial Infections
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Insomnia
  • Support and stabilisation after operations and accidents
  • Treatment and support after radical experiences, shock and trauma (concussions)
  • Allergies.
  • Clearing chakras as well as all energy bodies.
  • Support during difficult life phases (e.g. puberty, menopause, change of occupation or other professional changes)
  • Healing on all levels of the energy system and PEMSK model (physical, emotional, mental, spiritual and karmic).
  • Merlin’s Healing Grid for situations (moving house, a new project, for business).
  • Pujas for blessings and addressing planetary influences in one’s natal chart

Would you like to:

  • clear your energetic blueprint (the software is programs that run your life and the hardware is your physical and genetic make up)
  • increase your energetic vibration and the frequency you transmit (it’s important to understand the Law of attraction) 
  • know the lessons that sit within your past experiences and the wounds you carry
  • understand why you haven’t been able to release unhealed trauma and post-traumatic triggers
  • release generational and ancestral trauma and past life lessons and woundings,
  • clear your family/ancestral and blood line karmic history so you don’t pass generational trauma and woundings on to your children and future generations,
  • to clear energetic imprinting of trauma and family history that hasn’t been cleared physically, emotionally, mentally, spiritually, and karmic history.
  • to resolve and dissolve emotional unhealed trauma, post-traumatic triggers at the level of consciousness that it was created,
  • to harmonise your inner masculine and feminine energies, your childhood wounds and triggers, 
  • integrate the shadow and fragmented personality constructs that have kept you stuck,
  • to heal the patterns and vibration you hold that attracts the same type of people, events and history so that you can release the conditioning and programming you have been stuck in.

Are you ready to:

  • enhance your personal and spiritual development and step up another level in your evolution, 
  • commit to working on both on your healing and your awakening path to heal from wounding and strengthen your energetic system,
  • increase your frequency so that you can hold a higher vibration (understanding how the Law of Attraction works here is important)
  • bring your energy bodies (chakras and energy field) into balance and strengthen your energy system (so that you don’t rely on protection from negative energies)
  • heal your past experiences at the root cause 
  • harmonise your inner masculine and feminine energies,
  • heal your inner child wounds and triggers
  • integrate the shadow and fragmented personality constructs that have kept you stuck, 
  • heal the vibration that attracts the same type of people, events and history and release the conditioning and programming you have been stuck 


SINGLE sessions are for the most relevant issue coming up at the time of the session. These are facilitated for the release of an issue, situation that is urgent or immediate. 

PROTOCOL sessions are a set of 10 sessions which cover detailed healing procedures and processes for transformation eg. a client wishes to work on issues of rejection which is a soul wound and lesson. When required, psychic surgery is performed which can feel rather intense for clients.

Read more for how a protocol of 10 sessions could be structured. 

Sessions range from 30mins up to 90mins – most sessions are easily done via distance with you present on a Zoom/whatsapp video call. Some specific treatments require in-person sessions which you will be advised of.

Sessions range from 30 mins: R300 / $25 and 60 mins:  R750 / $45. 

*Please note that these are standard sessions – advanced techniques cover issues like entity clearing, complex psychic surgery, cancer support while undergoing chemotherapy, end of life transition, ICU and post- operative support.

Book a Call

If you are new to my work, please do not hesitate to book a no-obligation exploratory call.

In my experience....

With the quantum leaps in the frequency and energy  downloads that we have been receiving, clients who have been doing inner work of transformation undergo rapid acceleration of their consciousness and awakening.


Energy healing sessions are independent of location – I work online with clients who are based around the world. 


Give the gift of healing to a loved one.

Vouchers are available for single session or packages. 

Sessions can be modified for individual needs. 

I would love to hear from you!

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